Contributing ============ Contributions and issues are most welcome! All issues and pull requests are handled through github on the `ambitioninc repository`_. Also, please check for any existing issues before filing a new one. If you have a great idea but it involves big changes, please file a ticket before making a pull request! We want to make sure you don't spend your time coding something that might not fit the scope of the project. .. _ambitioninc repository: Running the tests ----------------- To get the source source code and run the unit tests, run:: git clone git:// cd django-issue virtualenv env . env/bin/activate python install coverage run test coverage report --fail-under=100 While 100% code coverage does not make a library bug-free, it significantly reduces the number of easily caught bugs! Please make sure coverage is at 100% before submitting a pull request! Code Quality ------------ For code quality, please run flake8:: pip install flake8 flake8 . Code Styling ------------ Please arrange imports with the following style .. code-block:: python # Standard library imports import os # Third party package imports from mock import patch from django.conf import settings # Local package imports from issue.version import __version__ Please follow `Google's python style`_ guide wherever possible. .. _Google's python style: Building the docs ----------------- When in the project directory:: pip install -r requirements/docs.txt python build_sphinx open docs/_build/html/index.html Release Checklist ----------------- Before a new release, please go through the following checklist: * Bump version in issue/ * Add a release note in docs/release_notes.rst * Git tag the version * Upload to pypi:: pip install wheel python sdist bdist_wheel upload Vulnerability Reporting ----------------------- For any security issues, please do NOT file an issue or pull request on github! Please contact ``_ with the GPG key provided on `Ambition's website`_. .. .. _Ambition's website: